Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Powerful Shout

Sometimes you just have to lift your voice unto God and shout with the voice of triump. The fervent heat of today's spiritual battles are no place for the weak and anemic. Christians that are more interested in the pleat in their pants and the starch in their collar, than in obtaining the Presence of God, will not last long.

The Sweet Psalmist sums it up perfectly in the 47th chapter of his writings...

"...Shout unto God with the voice of triumph." (Psalms 47:1).

People that have never been in a real spiritual battle will not understand this concept. Those that have never fought for their very life in the throws of spiritual warfare will chuckle at this principle and dismiss it as not necessary or as shallow and simplistic. But the truth of the matter is, a child of God has got to know how to lift his or her voice and shout for the triumph that God will bring!

In the heat of the fray, sometimes that is all you can do, but when that shout is directed unto the Lord of Hosts, it is enough. He will hear that cry and He will run to your aid. When the battlfield is bloody and the warfare is as Isaiah said in chapter 9 verse 5 of his book, "With confused noise and garments rolled in blood...", a shout can bring confidence back into the camp of God's people and strike terror into the heart of the enemy.

I have proven this truth in my own life time and time again. There have been moments when I have not known which way to turn and the pressure felt like it was going to crush me, but somewhere deep in my prayer closet or in a Holy Ghost filled church service, I was able to lift my voice to my Redeemer and cry out to Him. And the release that I sought for came, and the break through was granted, and the healing and the answer I needed was given. Onlookers may have thought my behavior was unneccessary, but I knew that a silent whisper of prayer with hands piously folded would not get the job done. I had to let out a desperate cry and proclaim unto God that I believed He would deliver me. I had to shout with the voice of triumph, even before I felt triumph or before I experienced triumph.

It is a dynamic we may never fully understand but we would be foolish to dismiss it simply because of so. Even the world knows there is power in the shout. Martial artists are taught to shout when they strike their foe. Armies lift their voice and shout when they charge the enemy. Sports teams shout when they storm onto the playing field. They all know that the human voice raised with passion and purpose lends power to the directive they are striving for.

God gave you a voice. Use it. Lift it up to Him and shout for the victory that He is sure to give you! Do not be intimidated by the size of the host of enemies before you. Do not let life's towering mountains strike fear in your heart. Shout unto God, with the voice of triumph! Shout when you are weary. Shout when it is dark. Shout when all seems hopeless. Shout in the sad times and in the glad times. The Captain of your Salvation will hear your voice and He will deliver you on the battlefield.

With a shout in my spirit,

Paul Nolan

1 comment:

Joseph Castorina said...

A "Shout Out" to Paul! Great post!